Dr. Dunbar's Digital Books and Videos Collection
13 dog training videos, 4 books, and 16 behavior blueprints
This online "course" consists of 4 ebooks, 13 videos & 16 Behavior Blueprints by world-renowned dog trainer Dr. Ian Dunbar. Dr. Dunbar has been a pioneer in the world of pet dog training where he has been instrumental in popularizing dog-friendly, fun and games training that is fast, effective and enjoyable for the whole family.
4 eBooks: How to Train a New Dog Old Tricks (192 pages), Dr. Dunbar's Good Little Dog Book (144 pages), Before You Get Your Puppy (104 pages) & After You Get Your Puppy (160 pages)
13 Videos: SIRIUS® Puppy Training Classic (90 minutes) & Redux (40 minutes), SIRIUS® Adult Dog Training (95 minutes), Training Dog with Dunbar (65 minutes), Dog Training for Children (85 minutes), Every Picture Tells a Story (25 minutes), Who Trains Whom (120 minutes), Dog Aggression: Biting (90 minutes) & Fighting (90 minutes) & Training The Companion Dog (Set of four 60 minute DVDs): 1 Socialization & Training, 2 Behavior Problems, 3 Walking & Heeling, 4 Recalls & Stays
16 Customizable Behavior Blueprints: Cat Manners, Come-Sit-Down-Stay, Destructive Chewing, Digging Problems, Dogs & Children, Excessive Barking, Fear of People, Fighting with Dogs, Home Alone, Housetraining, Hyper Dog, New Adult Dog, New Puppy, Puppy Biting, Puppy Training & Walking on Leash
All of these items are also available for purchase as paperback books and DVDs for at James & Kenneth Publishers. Purchased separately this collection would cost $416.80.
SIRIUS Puppy Training
Training Dogs with Dunbar
Training the Companion Dog 1 : Socialization & Training
Training the Companion Dog 2: Behavior Problems
Training the Companion Dog 3: Walking & Heeling
Training the Companion Dog 4: Recalls & Stays
Dog Aggression: Biting
Dog Aggression: Fighting
SIRIUS Puppy Training Redux
SIRIUS Adult Dog Training
Dog Training for Children
Every Picture Tells a Story
Who Trains Whom
BEFORE You Get Your Puppy 2023
AFTER You Get Your Puppy 2023
Dr. Dunbar's Good Little Dog Book
How to Teach a New Dog Old Tricks
How to Teach a New Dog Old Tricks
Dr. Dunbar's Good Little Dog Book
BEFORE You Get Your Puppy
AFTER You Get Your Puppy
Cat Manners
Destructive Chewing
Digging Problems
Dogs and Children
Excessive Barking
Fear of People
Fighting with Dogs
Home Alone
New Adult Dog
New Puppy
Puppy Biting
Puppy Training
Walking on Leash