Dates and Locations

UK Tour - September 2024

Hosted by Dog & Bone UK. For more information, or to register, visit the Dog & Bone website.

Thursday 5th September - Manchester
Barking Up the Right Tree: Results-Based Dog Training

Saturday 7th September - Stoneleigh 
Peace in the Pack: The Development of Canine Social Hierarchies

Sunday 8th September - Stoneleigh 
Resolving Dog-Dog Reactivity

Monday 9th September - Hertfordshire
Barking Up the Right Tree: Results-Based Dog Training

Tuesday 10th September - Kent 
Barking Up the Right Tree: Results-Based Dog Training

Thursday 12th September - Southampton 
Barking Up the Right Tree: Results-Based Dog Training

Friday 13th September - Bristol 
Barking Up the Right Tree:Results-Based Dog Training

US Tour - October 2024

Seattle in October 2024
More Details Coming Soon

Seminar and Lecture Descriptions

Barking Up the Right Tree: Results-Based Reward Training
(Full Day Seminar)

Learn the quickest and most effective ways to teach your dog verbally-cued responses, to increase and maintain reliability, and to resolve misbehavior and non-compliance, using only non-aversive means, i.e., by teaching dogs ESL (English as a second Language) and by using your voice, softly, for clear instructions prior to task, and for instructive guidance to get dogs back on track when they err.

This seminar provides a valuable toolkit for dog trainers and insatiably curious dog owners, comprising simple, fast, and powerful methods that will transform your training skills and those of your clients. Objectively quantifying ease, speed, and effectiveness of training is an integral part of the process that makes training science-based. 

CLICK HERE for more information about Ian's Results-Based Reward Training seminar.

Fun & Effective Dog Training  
(90-Minute Lecture)  

Learn how to teach your dog: to eliminate on cue, so you can teach when and where; to Settle Down promptly, quietly, and happily, with a food-stuffed chewtoy, so your dog learns what to chew; to Shush on cue, so your dog learns when to stop alarm or recreational barking; to Jazz-up & Settle Down on cue, so your dog gets the opportunity to occasionally let of steam, when and where appropriate for you; and to greet visitors and unfamiliar people and dogs in an appropriate fashion. Who would have thought that dog training could be this Easy and so much FUN?

Peace in the Pack : The Development of Canine Social Hierarchies
(Full Day Seminar)

Dr. Dunbar spent ten years researching canine sex differences in behaviour. Obviously, differences in mating behaviour but also, secondary sex differences, such as urination postures (of which there are a good dozen), social rank, and dog-dog aggression. At the time, 'dominance hierarchies' were a hot topic. The UC Berkeley dog study searched for instances of physical 'domination' and 'alpha dogs' but instead, observed lots of insecure, growly, middle-ranking, male dogs, numerous short squabbles, but hardly any dog fights. Growing up together (with next to no human intervention), the dogs developed an extremely sophisticated social structure and by and large, lived in group harmony. True 'top dogs' are cool & confident and seldom threaten or fight, they don't need to.

Resolving Dog-Dog Reactivity: The Missing Parts of the Puzzle (with video demos)
(Full Day Seminar)

When dogs are involved in a scuffle, scrap, or fight, owners often lay blame on the other dog and owner, and sometimes on their own dog. However, it takes two to tango, or in this case four: your dog, the other dog, the other owner, and you. When two dogs and their owners approach each other, dogs and owners often become increasingly anxious, stressed, fearful, and in extreme cases, downright scared. If one of the four reacts, all four will erupt, causing the original dog to erupt more and so, create a vicious circle. Owners often feel helpless because they feel there is nothing they can do to change or stop the other dog’s behaviour. But there is, and they can.

This seminar delves into assessing bite history, selecting the best training method for the individual dog, how classical and operant conditioning can work together, turning toys into mega reinforcers, teaching dogs to become less threatening to others, and preventing reactivity appearing in the first place.

About Dr. Ian Dunbar

Veterinarian, animal behaviorist, and dog trainer, Dr. Ian Dunbar (PhD, BSc, BVetMed, MRCVS) has authored numerous books and DVDs about puppy/dog behavior and training. His latest book, Barking Up the Right Tree, is available on Amazon.

After researching dog social behavior and the development of aggression at UC Berkely during the 70s, in 1982, Dr. Dunbar designed and taught the world’s very first off-leash puppy socialization and training classes — SIRIUS® Puppy Training and later, he founded the Association of Professional Dog Trainers and similar associations around the world. 

Dr. Dunbar developed the San Francisco SPCA’s Animal Behavior Department, Open Paw's Shelter Behavior & Training program at Berkeley Humane Society, and the American Kennel Club Gazette's award-winning Behavior column. He hosted the popular UK television series Dogs with Dunbar for five seasons, has appeared on numerous radio and television programs, consulted on a variety of movies, (including Pixar’s UP), and twice spoke at the prestigious TED Conference.  

Over the past fifty years, Dr. Dunbar has given over 1500 one-day seminars and workshops for dog trainers and veterinarians to popularize off-leash puppy socialization classes, behavior and temperament modification, and owner-friendly and dog-friendly dog training. 

Dr. Dunbar lives in Berkeley, California and currently works with Kelly and Jamie Dunbar, creating video-content for and 

You may download three of his puppy/dog training books for free from

Please share these books with all your doggy friends, neighbors, work colleagues, clients, and customers, and on social media, encouraging everyone to share the books with their doggy friends. Also, please, post the books on your own website for free download, to lure oodles of dog people to your site. 

Dr. Dunbar's goal is that every prospective, new, current, puppy or dog owner gets these books before they get their puppy or dog.

Do you want Dr. Dunbar to give a seminar near you in 2024?

Fill in the form below if you're interested in attending a seminar by Dr. Dunbar in 2024.

The first two fields are the only required fields. 

If you really want Dr. Dunbar to come to a city near you, be sure to tell all the doggy people in your area to fill out this form as well!