This collection of free courses is intended for anyone interested in the welfare of dogs, including prospective, new, or longtime puppy/dog owners as well as all dog professionals. 

All of these courses are free.

Guide to Getting a Puppy or Dog. A Helpful Guide for anyone considering getting a new puppy or adult dog.

Free Puppy Training Course. Prevent predictable problems and teach good habits from the very beginning!

2 Free Puppy Training eBooks by Dr. Ian Dunbars. Both the "Before you Get Your Puppy" and "After you Get Your Puppy" PDF eBooks.

Six Simple Steps to Solve Your Dog's Behavior Problems. If you need help resolving behavior problems or getting better control over your dog's behavior, this course is for you. 

Worksheets, Quick Tips & Free Downloads. Several videos about dog training tips and downloadable documents to help guide you in dog training.

Dunbar Academy Downloadable Documents page. Or you can download some of our favorite documents on our

Courses for Dog Professionals and Dog Related Businesses.

Recently, we've added the Open Paw Program for Shelters, an incredibly comprehensive and powerful program that makes it easy for shelters to provide their dogs with the training and socialization they need to find new forever homes.

If you would like more in depth dog training advice and access to hundreds of hours of dog training videos then check out the Top Dog Academy Subscription (paid product) 

Enroll Now for Free:

Learn More with the Top Dog Academy

If you would like to learn more about any of these topics, please check out the Top Dog Academy. 

The Top Dog Academy is a monthly subscription that provides access to everything on Dunbar Academy, including 100s of hours of dog training videos, seminars and workshops, plus ebooks, podcasts, live webinars, worksheets and more! 

As a member, you'll also be able to join an private Facebook group, exclusively for Top Dog Academy members, where you can get advice from the Dunbars, other professional dog trainers, and like-minded dog owners. 

The Top Dog Academy costs $20/month, comes with a 30-day satisfaction guarantee, and may be canceled easily at any time.